Monday, July 21, 2014

Philippine Calamansi (Summer 2014)*

Citrofortunella microcarpa, Calamondin, Calamansi or Lemonsito  is an indigenous native citrus widely cultivated in the Philippines, Southeast Asia and elsewhere as an important crop for outdoor and indoor. Other English language common names include Calamonding, Calamandarin, Golden Lime, Philippine Lime, Panama Orange, Chinese orange, and Acid Orange. It is said that it is an acid citrus, a group that includes lemons and limes. The flesh is orange, juicy and acid, with a fine lime-orange flavor. One bite of this fruit can pucker your mouth. The fruit, when ripe, is very sour when first tasted. Subsequent tasted fruits make your mouth sweet. If the fruit is picked too soon, the taste will be bitter. 

Health benefits of Calamansi includes the following:

• Anti-inflammatory properties
• Relief for constipation
• Acne cure
• Cough and phlegm remedy
• Cure colds and fever
• Strengthens immune system
• Treatment for insect bites
• Skin and hair benefits
• Good for respiratory illnesses like asthma
• Strengthens teeth and bones 

Food Value Per 100 g of Edible Portion*

Whole Fruit % Juice %
Calories/lb 173 (380/kg)
Moisture 87.08-87.12 89.66
Protein 0.86 0.01
Fat 2.41 0.53
Carbohydrates 3.27
Ash 0.54-0.64 0.62
Calcium 0.14
Phosphorus 0.07
Iron 0.003
Citric Acid 2.81 5.52 


Calamondin or Calamansi plant will start to bear fruit five or eight  years if it's from seedlings. In the Philippines the peak season is mid-August through October. But in can bloom all year and harvest anytime of the year. To harvest, pick the fruits from the branch, either by hand or by using a pair of scissors. Take extra care to prevent damage to the branches or to the leaves. To keep the fruit fresh, leave a portion of the stem attached to the fruit and avoid injury to the skin when harvesting.  I usually have plentiful of harvest around April-May and Oct.-November but the blooms continue all year especially when it has plenty of sunshine.


Annual Family Picnic

Welcome to our 2nd Annual Family Picnic page. Our second annual Filipino American Family Picnic will be held in Silver Spring, Maryland on August 23, 2014 from 2:00 P.M. to 8:00 P.M. Feel free to bring snacks, desserts and drinks to share with everyone. Just a reminder that alcoholic beverages are not allowed in the pool. Eating and drinking at the pool is also prohibited. We will set up a table by the shaded tree areas where we all can eat together, chit chat, play games.

For those who have little kids especially those who are not potty trained, please use a swimmer pants with your kids regular swim wear underpants. Running by the swimming pool deck is not allowed. Please, watch out for your kids especially those who are just developmental swimmers. Thank You and looking forward to see you all!