Thursday, April 2, 2015

All About Cebu

Cebu is one of the most beautiful island province in the Philippines. It has 196 kilometers length (122 mi) from north to south and 32 kilometres (20 mi) across at its widest point. Cebu is the 9th largest island in the Philippines with a total area of 4,468 square kilometres (1,725 sq mi).

                            Photos of Cebu's Famous Attractions/Landmarks

                               Basilica Minore del Santo NiƱo
Magellan's Cross
Fort San Pedro

Lapu Lapu Shrine

Heritage Monument

                                              Plaza Independencia
Casa Gorordo

Cebu Zoo

Crocolandia - Talisay

Rainforest Park Cebu

Yap-Sandiego Ancestral House
Taoist Temple

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